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来源: 作者: 发布日期:2018-10-18 访问次数:1748
1.   B127-98 镍铜合金板、薄板和带材 Standard Specification for Nickel-Copper Alloy(UNS N04400) Plate, Sheet, and Strip
2.   B162-99 镍板、薄板和带材 Standard Specification for Nickel Plate, Sheet,and Strip
3.   B168-01镍铬铁合金及镍铬钴钼合金板、薄板和带材 Standard Specification for Nickel-Chromium-Iron Alloys (UNS N06600, N06601, N06603, N06690, N06693, N06025, and N06045) and Nickel-Chromium- Cobalt-Molybdenum Alloy (UNS N06617) Plate, Sheet, and Strip
4.   B265-03 钛及钛合金、薄板及带材 Standard Specification for Titanium and Titanium Alloy Strip, Sheet, and Plate
5.   B409-01 镍铁铬合金板、薄板和带材 Standard Specification for Nickel-Iron-Chromium Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Strip
6.   B424-98a 镍铁铬钼铜合金板、薄板及带材 Standard Specification for Ni-Fe-Cr-Mo-Cu Alloy(UNS N08825 and UNS N08221)* Plate, Sheet, and Strip
7.   B435-03 统一编制牌号为NO6002、NO6230、N12160和R30556 的板材和带材及牌号为N06002、N06230和R30556的带材Standard Specification for UNS N06002, UNS N06230,UNS N12160, and UNS R30556 Plate, Sheet, and Strip
8.   B443-00e1 镍铬钼钴及镍铬钼硅合金板、薄板和带材 Standard Specification for Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum-Columbium Alloy (UNS N06625) and Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum-Silicon Alloy (UNSN06219)* Plate, Sheet, and Strip
9.   B575-04 低碳镍铬钼、低碳镍铬钼铜合金、低碳镍铬钼钽合金板材的技术规范Standard Specification for Low-Carbon Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum, Low-Carbon Nickel-Chromium- Molybdenum-Copper, Low-Carbon Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum-Tantalum, and Low-Carbon Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum-Tungsten Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Strip
10.   B625-04 UNS NO8904、UNS NO8925、UNS NO8031、UNS NO8932和UNS NO8926板、薄板及带材 Standard Specification for UNS N08904, UNS N08925,UNS N08031, UNS N08932, UNS N08926, and UNS R20033Plate, Sheet, and Strip
11.   B688-96(2004) 铬镍钼铁板、薄板及带材 Standard Specification for Chromium-Nickel-Molybdenum-Iron (UNS N08366 and UNS N08367) Plate, Sheet, and Strip
12.   A240/A240M-04ae1 压力容器用耐热铬及铬镍不锈钢板、薄板及带材 Standard Specification for Chromium and Chromium-Nickel Stainless Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip for Pressure Vessels and for General Applications
13.   A753-02 镍铁软磁合金 Standard Specification for Wrought Nickel-Iron Soft Magnetic Alloys (UNS K94490, K94840, N14076, N14080)